Today: 9:00AM - 8:00PM

We Need Your Car

Midwest Kia Buyback Event
Midwest Kia Offer

Midwest Kia Offer

Midwest Kia in Wichita is in need of Pre-Owned Kia vehicles!  Now is the time to take advantage of our buyback or payment reduction and exchange programs!  If you are interested in getting a FREE QUOTE, You are in luck!  Midwest Kia buyback program that can help you to accomplish all of this!  See if you qualify by starting out with one of the steps below

Midwest Kia Offer

Complete the form below or contact us today at  316-652-2963. Midwest Kia proudly serves auto buyers in the Wichita, Derby, Hutchinson, Maize, and Goddard communities of South Central Kansas. We’re located at 8725 West Kellogg Dr, Wichita, KS 67209

We will request you to text images once we receive your request.