Today: 9:00AM - 8:00PM

Apr 24, 2017

Shop for used cars in Wichita at Midwest Kia and you’ll find the selection you want with prices that might surprise you.

Sure, Kia is on our sign. But we are your top choice among car dealerships in Wichita when it comes to finding the perfect Certified Pre-Owned Kia or any other make of used car. We also have the used car financing resources and professionals to help you make your purchase quickly and easily with a payment that fits your budget.

used cars Wichita

Test drive great used cars in Wichita at Midwest Kia.

Find Used Cars Under $15,000

Best Online Inventory

At Midwest Kia you have the advantage of a great online inventory selection. Browse our entire stock of used cars in Wichita or search for the specific vehicle you want. You can even filter our inventory by Certified Pre-Owned vehicles to help you find exactly the ride you want.

If you have any questions about the vehicles on our lot, just click the Live Chat button at the top of our inventory pages. It’s a quick and easy way to talk directly to someone who can help you narrow down your choice.

Of course, the best way to see our inventory is by visiting the lot. Get an idea of the vehicles you like by browsing website, then come see and ask to test drive some of our quality used cars.

Get Used Car Financing

Our finance professionals are here to help you navigate the process of buying a new vehicle. They’ll guide you through the process from getting pre-approved to signing and driving away in your new car, truck, SUV or van.

Midwest Kia has the resources and relationships with financial institutions you can trust to get you the best possible financing options.

Test Drive a Used Car in Wichita Today

Test drive our used cars and you’ll see we take pride in every vehicle on our lot. We make sure these vehicles are clean and ready for you to enjoy as your new car.

Come see us and discover how we’re committed to being your favorite car dealership in Wichita.